Tuesday, February 15, 2011

On to the Medium Pastels

Today I proceeded to the medium pastels, my Rembrandts.  I used a Sennelier soft pastel in one place and didn't like it because despite my very light touch it left more pigment than I wanted on the paper.  So after that I stuck to the Rembrandts.

As I looked at this painting on the easel, I was happy with it.  But it looks so dark here.  Maybe it's the photo but I'm not sure.  In any case, I think it needs at least some lighter ares for a better sense of life.

I've kept the background minimal and I'm happy with that.  And rather than obscuring the areas that lie behind straw - such as the bottom edge and her left foot - by adding lots and lots of strokes for straw, I blended the areas into the dark background color then added only a few strokes of straw.  I think I like this better, but it's impossible to say with nothing to compare it too.

So tonight I'll set it up by the TV and take careful stock of it for finishing touches.  I have been considering adding a daisy as a symbol of innocence.  I'll consider this also.  Then hopefully finish tomorrow.

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