Saturday, August 30, 2014

Then a Reindeer

Isn't this a handsome reindeer?  This was Sara Renzulli's project for the third day of our class.  I forgot to bring photos of reindeer so I was working from the one Sara provided.  But I wish I had brought my own so that I had more views and more detail, especially in the face.

This was a more complicated project than the donkey and despite beginning the day a half hour earlier than usual, we still went an hour late.  We were all very tired, especially Sara, but I, for one, thought it was well worth the effort.  I'm very fond of my reindeer and hope to make him at least one companion.

Both of Sara's projects are bigger than I usually work.  I would estimate that this reindeer is about 11" long.  I enjoy working small, but perhaps I should go bigger. 

Anyway, despite all the travelling difficulties, I'm so glad I went to Sara's class.  I recommend it!

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