Yes, even if it's green, it's a relief to finally have hair.
I made pretty good progress today. "Fleshed out" the bear with more brown wool, felted the bear's saddle bags blanket and the fairy's capelet, and added her hair. I also gave her antenna, a sweet gold butterfly on her forehead, and a little bracelet on her right wrist.
What remains are the saddle bags (baskets, probably) for the bear, all the flowers, her wings, and then any finishing touches. And I need to name them.
I found it difficult to begin felting the bear's blanket and her capelet, but once I started it turned out to be easy. The various wools - yarns, roving, and batting - in the Living Felt Specialty Designer Pack are nicely coordinated, so the only problem, really, was the design which magically fell into place.
Here's a photo of her face.