Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Bit Further

I just had about an hour to work on this today and mostly what I did was darken the greens in the leaves and the browns in the butterfly.  I finally opened my bottle of Van Dyke brown and I REALLY like it!  Then I began to add detail in the lilac and part way through that I was once again reminded that this color is absolutely alone in this composition.  So I added a bit of purple to the shadows on the bird and eggs and also just a hint around the roots of the seedling.  I fooled with the frog for a while also.

So what's next?  And how to finish it?  I'd like to add some gold, but am not sure how I want to go about that.  Also, the edges where the background meets the turquoise border aren't sharp.  I masked them, but apparently didn't press the tape down hard enough because the paint bled under.  Or, maybe I didn't use the right kind of tape.  I'll have to look into that.  I could clean up these edges by making the turquoise border opaque or I could just leave them and enjoy the "deckled" look, or I could try to enhance that "deckled" look somehow.  Or there are probably even other possibilities.

I was contemplating how, in nearly every piece, I reach the point where I say to myself  "it would have really helped if I had planned this out a bit."  Yet I don't ever seem to resort to pre-planning.  I guess I could say that I'm honing my problem-solving skills.  Ha ha.

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