Saturday, September 1, 2012

Spring Lambs - an Inspiration

This is another excerpt from the spring mural and as I look at it I see that it could make a very nice painting on its own.  I would need to do more detail and a less decorative and more realistic style.  There would be five fence posts rather than four.  The colors here are a bit strange, but I actually like them and some grasses are actually bluish.  I also like the long low shape.

I was hoping that I would finish the spring mural today but I find myself adding more and more stuff to it as I'm really enjoying painting it.  It's the most time-consuming so far because, like the winter trees, I needed to paint all the branches, and then add small bits of leaves.  There are also more animals - the sheep, Miss Lily, tiny cows and horses, and foreground chickens and chicks.  I think there will be two more painting days.

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